Step 1
Take notes using the following resources
Note: Many of these resources have variations in rules so look for common threads of advice
Step 2
Provide a 'mind dump' by writing down everything you can remember off the top of your head. I remember that you double the bass or i break your face, and for first inversions you double to soprano, otherwise I break your piano. Unless it's a diminished chord inversion, in which case you need to double the bass again. You can't go over an octave from tenor to alto, or alto to soprano. You can add a lot of non-harmonic tones to make things very pretty, and you have to make sure you avoid parallel octaves and fifths. No octave displacements here!
Step 3
Create a peer assessment using various methods (multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blank, etc.) and answer key that reflects the resources studied to include
A. Writing Triads in Four Parts.
B. Common Tone Stepwise and Contrary Motion to achieve Smooth Voice Leading.
C. Four Part Writing Rule Concepts.
Right here :):)
Step 4
See your instructor to access the Figured Bass Worksheet
Mark an (*) as to what chord tone should get doubled by considering the root or inversion. Done :)
Step 1
Use the Figured Bass Worksheet to complete the following assignment
Open piano in Finale
Use layers for stem direction
1234 on bottom change layers for each voice part
Layers can be different colors
"L" lifts stems
Delete layer double note before adding yours
4/4 time signature
8 measures
Key of F Major
Write out a smooth bass line using half notes for each chord
Place all remaining notes on staff using all rules
Do not move to the next chord until you have checked for horizontal and vertical errors using the check list below
Identify 2 cadence points; M4 & M8
Step 2
Label all chords using nomenclature: Example
Step 3
Provide a screen shot and an audio file
Step 4
Comment on the feedback you received and necessary revisions
1. First Draft
2. Second Draft
3. Final Submission
Step 5
What aspects of this four part writing assignment were most challenging? Looking for the problems and getting rid of them without creating new problems.
What aspects of this four part writing assignment were most rewarding? Tweaking around and learning the official rules for writing things :)