Final Analysis & Article

Step 1

  • Access instructions for the written analysis HERE & materials for the written analysis HERE

  • Return completed packet to your instructor or upload an image in the Final Exam section of your Jimdo


Step 2

  • Access the article regarding Hindemith's "Apparebit Repentina Dies" stored in this Drop Box Link

  1. List 25 vocabulary terms & concepts that are used in this article related to music theory. 


1. Requiem

2. Couplets

3. Trochaic Octameter

4. Abecedarium

5. Fugal

6. Motive

7. Intervals

8. Climax

9. Movement

10. Syllabic Recitative

11. Form

12. Text

13. Melodic Outline

14. Contrasting Tonalities

15. Modes

16. Phrases

17. Octatonic Vocal Lines

18. Dissonant figure

19. Passacaglia

20. Dominant-to-tonic-cadence

21. Leading tone

22. Transposition

23. Homophonic Chorale Style

24. Diatonic Partitioning

25. Circle of Fifths


  1. Use the recordings to provide a brief statement regarding musical elements for each of the 4 movements from the article

(Musical Elements; Pitch, Rhythm, Dynamics, Tempo, Texture, Timbre, Form, Purpose, Harmony, Melody, Expression, Mood, Language, Style, etc.)


Mov. 1: There's a lot of dissonance, and a lot of chords that clash... but I notice a really interesting bounce to the tempo. There are short phrases with crisp rhythms, and the dynamics and tempo changes are throughout the piece. 


Mov. 2: There are varying vocal parts, and I hear a lot of polyphonic voices that build up to this giant idea. 


Mov. 3: God, this was intense. There are so many JUICY harmonies that are so dissonant and creepy and lovely. There was a period of time in the beginning where I didn't quite know what to think about it because it was just so chaotic and didn't really go anywhere... but I noticed that as the voices build, there was an established path to where the music was going. 


Mov. 4: This wasn't as nice as the Mov. 3, in my opinion, but it was still very nice. It had a simple feel to it, with nice rich harmonies (that weren't so dissonant), and the whole last movement has some smooth harmonies, with a nice slow tempo to finish it off. 



Step 3

  • Reflect on the following

A.  How confident are you in the predicted outcome of the written analysis?  20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%. 80% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

B.   How ‘theory smart’ do you feel after identifying the terms in the article? 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%. 98% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

C.  On a scale from 1-10, about how much effort/time did you put into this exam? 8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

D.  What part(s) did you find most challenging?  Easiest? I found the written analysis the most challenging. I had a bit of a problem identifying V/V chords. I enjoyed listening to the four movements    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



Final Reflection

Step 1

  • Review the Benchmark Goals you set for yourself in Getting Started; What is it that you hope to know and/or be able to do at the conclusion of the course?  

A.  Comment on your semester achievements in relation to your initial goals. I think that I was really good at organizing myself and getting my work submitted and completed on time. 

B.  How well did you achieve your goal?  What goals were met?  What goals were not met? I was able to implement a lot of what I learnt into my compositions and my practicing. I wasn't able to do as much work outside of class until almost the end of the semester, but everything got done in the end, so we're all good :):)

C.  How well did you avoid sources of interference to stay on task? I was good at avoiding them 70% of the time. I had a lot of spaces where I needed to reach out for assistance, which would sometimes encourage 


Step 2

  • Review your Self Regulation Inventory located in Getting Started 

A.  Comment on how you addressed the weaknesses you identified and/or how you overcame challenges in regards to achieving success this semester. The biggest change that I needed to make was being distracted... so I bought a pair of sound-proof earphones. 

B.  Reassess the 30 true/false statements for the Self Regulation Inventory.  Compare your current ratio to your initial one. They're all the same... I still don't ask myself if there was an easier way to do something. 

C.  How would you approach the process differently if you had another opportunity to learn in this manner? I would have gotten access to an outside-school electronic device where I could compose more often--I really enjoyed making my music on the weekends. 

D.  What have you learned about learning? I've learnt that it's a big flowy river that never really ends. I never really have to have one straight path to something. Maybe I should make that my senior quote. 

E.  How does what you learned relate to other things you have been learning or have experienced? I notice a lot of my class coming out to music that I listen to passively. I'm learning that applying all of this outside of class expands my thinking about the subject matter. 

F.  How has your thinking about your thinking (metacognition) changed? I try to be a bit more mindful about my thinking. I'd like to take a breath every so often and check in with my body and see what it needs from me & my thinking. 


Step 3

  • Review the 3 Music Literacy Benchmark Assessments located in Unit 1 and try to answer the questions again in your mind

A.  Comment on the status of your current comfort level with this material relative to the past. I mean... I'm definitely more comfortable with all that than I was in the past, but the standards keep going higher and higher, so I may never be comfortable with anything :)

B.  How well did you achieve what you set out to learn? I remember when the previous course had finals and were talking about all this stuff that I had no clue about... I have more than a clue about them, so I'm satisfied for now :)

C.  What concepts were achieved?  What concepts remain a mystery? I understand the tenor clef a lot more, and know a lot more about major keys and their relative minors. I still have a bit of a problem with modulations... I like sticking to my diminished chords. 


Step 4

  • Use the following Work Habits Rubric to guide your responses regarding your semester achievements

A.  Identify areas of strengths. I have perfect class attendance, and I think I work very well independently. 

B.  Identify areas of needed improvement. I need to use the sign-in system more frequently to manage attendance and course data. I get this false sense of security when Julie says hi to me. 

C.  What strategies might you use in the future to overcome these challenges? I mean, I'm graduating soon, so I'm just going to recommend signing in before talking to Julie at all (such a distraction!) ( ᐛ )و

Step 5

  • Briefly review the assignments you have submitted for Units 6-9

A.  Comment on the quality of work reflected in your ePortfolio as well as the content of your manilla folder. It's been some of my best. I put a lot of time into those compositions... I always wanted something different (green, anyone?). My manilla folders were empty ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

B.  Did you modify your portfolio approach for the second part of the semester or repeat your approach from the first part? Since I was required to do a lot more composition, I found ways to entertain myself while learning :) it was a blast!


Step 6

  • Answer the following questions regarding the future use of the course material

  1. Identify 3 of the most important concepts or skills you learned in this course. Meter, Scales, and Chords. And intervals. I learnt a lot. 

  2. Explain why you perceive these concepts or skills to be important. I was never quite sure how to identify and use intervals in my practice, and a lot of compositions made sense after taking this course. 

  3. How do you anticipate using these concepts or skills in the future? I'm just going to listen to random contemporary compositions and scream when I hear an augmented fourth.  

Step 7

  • Please provide some advice and words of wisdom for students taking this course in the future. Please don't think you can do all your work JUST in class. Just don't dream about it. Enjoy yourself and take up a lot of Julie's time when I can't ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ


Step 8

  • Please help us sculpt future classes by providing feedback, suggestions, etc. related to Unit Content, Alfred, Wix, On-Campus, ePortfolio, Work Flow, etc. I'll be honest, I kinda missed the meetings after a while--other than that, I really enjoyed the course (save Alfred :):))